Lake Houston Rotary Club president Juan Aybar (left) welcomes Texas House Representative Charles Cunningham to the club's regular Wednesday luncheon meeting at the Lake Houston Family YMCA on July 26th. Rep. Conningham discussed some of the results from the 88th Texas Legislative Session that just recently concluded. Of particular interest were the reductions to property taxes. He also explained how a bill passes through the legislature to be sent to the governor and become law.
Lake Houston Rotarians heard from Texas state Rep. Charles Cunningham during their regular Wednesday luncheon meeting at the Lake Houston Family YMCA. He discussed some of the results of the 88th Texas Legislative Session that just recently concluded.
He also shared his thoughts on possible upcoming special sessions and explained how a successful bill passes through the legislature and becomes law.
Rep. Cunningham said 8,000 bills were proposed during this session. Only 1,300 of them made it through the legislature and were sent to Gov. Abbott.
Texas House Representative Charles Cunningham speaks to Lake Houston Rotarians.
He also shared his thoughts on possible upcoming special sessions and explained how a successful bill passes through the legislature and becomes law.
Rep. Cunningham said 8,000 bills were proposed during this session. Only 1,300 of them made it through the legislature and were sent to Gov. Abbott.
Texas House Representative Charles Cunningham speaks to Lake Houston Rotarians.
Bills must pass through both Senate and House committees and through both state houses before being send to the governor. Each bill that makes it to the governor’s desk usually has been reviewed and voted on six times before it passes. He said the system is designed to make it difficult to pass a bill.
Many statewide issues were touched on including security on the border, human trafficking, school funding, commercial property taxes, illegal drugs, Texas constitutional amendments, property tax rates, tax rate caps and the Homestead Exemption.
Rep. Cunningham discussed three bills in detail. They included a bill that addressed changes to Public Housing, the “Death Star” bill (changes to city government rules) and the property tax reduction bill.
Most everyone was interested in the homeowner property tax reductions that could equal about $18 billion. Changes to the property tax are a three-year experiment and may or may not be renewed. But homeowners should see some near-term relief.
Rep. Cunningham served on three committees during the 88th Texas Legislative Session. They were: Public Education, Redistricting and Urban Affairs.
He lives in Humble with his wife of 39 years, Stella, who is a retired educator. They have 4 children and 9 grandchildren.
He went on to conclude that state government is here to “Protect, Punish and Promote”.
Rotary is a non-profit community and worldwide service organization with clubs serving their local areas worldwide. Our Rotarians live and/or work in the greater Lake Houston area. Guests interested in learning more about Rotary are welcome to attend one of our regular meetings in Kingwood and/or Summer Creek.
Meetings are held weekly from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m., most Wednesdays at the Lake Houston Family YMCA, 2420 West Lake Houston Pkwy. in Kingwood.
The Summer Creek Satellite Club meets the 2nd and 4th most Tuesdays of the month from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m., at Generation Park's 3rd floor Nimble Office Suite, 250 Assay St., Houston.
Check the club’s home page for names and dates of upcoming speakers at
Visitors are welcome. Membership is by invitation.
Rotary’s motto is expressed with the “4-Way Test – 1. Is it the Truth? 2. Is it Fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?”